Professor Maria Kaczmarek

Professor Maria Kaczmarek
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My main research interests lie in the fields of biological anthropology, namely in human auxology, epidemiological auxology, and reproductive ecology. Current topics of my research include: (i) a prospective study on physical growth, somatic and psycho-emotional responses to stressful stimuli, and health-related quality of life of preschool children aged 3 to 6; (ii) human adolescence: an updated study methodology, growth in physique and biological maturation, physical performance and fitness, general health status and diseases, indication of risk factors for developing obesity and elevated blood pressure, health-related quality of life and underlying socioeconomic and psychosocial stressors; (iii) study on biological, endocrine and clinical aspects of menopausal transition and underlying genetic polymorphism, other biological and non-biological factors; trends over time in female reproductive patterns and associated factors; biomedical aspects of well-being in midlife.


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  • Member for 8 years, 10 months, 9 days
  • 3265 profile views
  • Last seen 6 years ago


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